Technology in Education: Why High-Speed Internet is Important in Rural Areas
School districts in rural communities can face significant challenges in the age of the digital classroom. Education Dive reports that 4% of public schools do not have high-speed or broadband internet connections. Most of these schools are in rural communities.
While 4% does not sound substantial, the problem is compounded by the fact that many of these schools’ students do not have broadband internet access at home. These students represent an estimated 6.5 million learners who can’t complete their homework due to a lack of high-speed internet in schools, reports Connected Nation.
Because of modern education programs and curriculum requirements, much of the homework students receive involves online testing, collaboration in virtual environments, and online research, states Connected Nation.
The FCC’s E-rate program provides funding for schools that must transition to up-to-date network equipment. However, some schools have reported problems with securing E-rate funding fast enough or at all.
Funding the Internet for Learning
Industry research states the top three items schools need to make improvements are affordability, ample access to Wi-Fi in the classroom, and fiber optic networks. However, adequate funding to implement upgraded infrastructure is only part of the complex issue. Continuous or subsequent funding is also needed to maintain network resources.
The history of funding for broadband connectivity for Colorado’s public schools is not strong. Colorado ranks 42nd in broadband connectivity, and the cost of broadband is 10 times higher than other states, according to EagleNet.
As recently as this year, the Loveland Reporter-Herald indicated school districts such as Thompson Valley are being charged $40,000 for high-speed access each month. Even in less isolated locations such as Loveland and Berthoud, getting fiber internet connections to every building in a school district can be a struggle.
Yet, many schools need high-speed internet to prepare students for the future.
Advantages of the Internet in the Classroom
With a growing emphasis on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) curriculum, schools will need the higher speeds and reliability of broadband more than ever. STEM curriculum is pivotal to providing children with opportunities to learn the skills they’ll need to be successful once they graduate. Not only are STEM fields projected to grow, but the skills necessary for these careers are expected to command higher pay rates.
Besides preparing students to meet the expected labor market demands, broadband internet speeds in the classroom can improve and enhance the learning experience.
Additional benefits include:
Ø Higher graduation rates.
Ø Increased student, teacher, and parent engagement with the learning process.
Ø Higher test scores.
Ø Simulations of real-life and real-world scenarios.
Ø Making hands-on learning opportunities available.
Ø Virtual lessons.
With adequate funding or the ability to piggyback off municipal fiber infrastructures, public schools can be in a better position to deliver resources that require more bandwidth.
Getting on the Education Superhighway
On December 5th, 2019, the FCC announced it will dedicate $9 billion in funding to facilitate the deployment of 5G wireless networks in rural America, according to RCR Wireless. The FCC wants the funds to go directly to areas that are difficult for telecom providers to serve due to limited populations or rugged land.
Former FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai, stated that 5G networks will increase speeds, provide more security, and reduce latency. Education is one of five top priority areas for using 5G in rural communities, reports RCR Wireless.
Increased funding is part of the solution, but ensuring rural classrooms connect to broadband speeds means having the infrastructure to make it happen. This may include fiber networks and fiber internet service. To close the digital divide, the public and private sectors will need to collaborate to bring innovative solutions to more remote areas.
According to Clarity Innovations, Google launched an experimental initiative to provide internet service to schools in Brazil with hot air balloons. Known as “Project Loon,” the initiative aims to expand the coverage of cell carriers to global communities that lack access.
Creative and new ways of delivering high-speed internet may become a viable solution for schools in areas challenged by a lack of infrastructure or funding.
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